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With our service, you can design your front-end booking panel to suit your business colours in any way you like. There are 7 styles available: Default, Brown, Red, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink. You can choose one of the styles you want, or you can create a new template with any colour. Simply select and click on the CHOOSE button in front of the panel to change the look of the panel.

Booknetic Appearances documentation

Click on the Create new style box below to add a new Style.

Booknetic Appearances documentation

You will see the default colours in the popup panel.

  • First give the name of the style you want to create.
  • Then you can create the appropriate style for your business site by changing the appropriate colours. As the colours change, you can visually see how the panel looks on the right side, so you can create the style you want with WYSIWYG editor.
  • Once you have set the colours, you will be able to override your style by clicking on the SAVE button. Then you can find the style you have created in the list and click on the CHOSE button.
  • Simply click on that style in the list to edit styles.
  • To delete Style, find the style in the list and click on it. In the Edit pane, click down the DELETE button and you’ll find style.

Note! If the style you want to delete is the style that currently selected, you cannot delete it. Change the style you selected first, then try deleting it….

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