Appointment Booking Notifications with SMS

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You can send any kind of notifications to your customers through the SMS Notifications system of Appointment Booking solution. The customer can receive instant SMS notifications about the date and time of the appointment when they make an appointment through This service will be very useful for strengthening your contact with your customers by raising the quality of service you provide.

The type of SMS notifications can also vary depending on your business system. Let’s say you have many staff members at different business locations. Customers also are also able to make an appointment with these staff members. In this case, you may need to send SMS notifications to both your customers and staff members. In this sense, the SMS notification system offers you exactly the system you need.

Appointment Status Notifications

Our SMS notification system also works great in cases related to appointment time changes. You can send instant SMS notifications to your customers when the appointment time changes, or when your employee approves the appointment request of your customer, or when the appointment is approved or canceled. Thus, your entire system becomes automated with instant communication.

Reminder Notifications

Reminders are also very important to make your appointments take place at the right time. With the SMS Notification system, you can send regular notifications to your customers before and after the appointment.

Now let’s learn how to install this amazing SMS notification system in your own business!

Creating SMS Notification templates

From the right column, you can select the SMS notification headers that you will send to the customer or staff members. From the column on the left side, there are short tags of appointment information. From the middle section, you can design the SMS notification that you will send to your customers and team members. Also, you can send a test SMS for checking if everything is fine or not

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